A humble Nürnberg High School annual site.


Jimi Hexdrix, Jan 16, 1969Hi everybody!  I am Dan Guy, from the class of 1971. Nϋrnberg was a special time and place in my life.  From walking home after the Straβenbahn stopped running ( I lived out near the end of the #8 Straβenbahn line) to Jimi Hendrix 5th row concert tickets!  I had the good fortune to be part of a band and we played at several AYA dances. We also had a band from England (remember The Bern Kennedy Style?) live with us for 4 months.  The list goes on and on.  UPDATE: I have been in contact with Bern Kennedy and I am sorry to report that Ian Walnough (Bass Guitarist) passed away in June, 2008.  I have just heard that Stu Wilkinson (Lead Guitarist) passed away on January 5th, 2009.  His wife posted the information in the Guest Book.  I called Bern and we had a long talk. (sigh)

So here I am trying to share some of that with others like me that still have Bamberger Brau on the brain.  In the future, I hope to have about 15 years worth of annuals from NHS.  The years will be from the '65-'66 school year thru the '80-'81.  Others can/will be added as I receive them for scanning or as a collection of images.

For my part, I have Mr. Marv Wilson (remember math class?) to thank for the vast majority of annuals I have here.  Also, as a favor to him, I am trying to find the annuals that he did not get while he was a teacher there.  So, I'm working on them Marv!!  Hopefully the gaps will get filled.

Currently I have scanned all the ones listed below that have a "Courtesy of" note.  They are all available on CD at this time.  The ones that have a link associated with them are available online (as well as on CD - the CDs have a Word Document in case you want to make a hard copy).  The '78 thru '81 annuals contain a lot of full color pages and therefore require quite a bit more disk space.  Since I am hosting my own site here, I am including all the annuals I have scanned at their full resolution.  This means that the images will be large on your monitor.  If you are using IE6, the images should be resized to fit on your screen.  Click on the picture frame image in the lower right-hand  area to see them as they really are.  If you are interested in a CD copy, please send an E-Mail to: Nurnberg71@aol.com   DVDs with multiple annuals are available as well.  Prices cover the cost of materials and postage.  My time is my gift to you. UPDATE:  I have added several complete annuals as ZIP files to the Members Only area of the Nurnberg Alumni Association website.  Members can download 1966 thru 1971 with one mouse click.  Some of the files are a bit large, so dial-up folks should start this before you retire at night.  Space permitting, I hope to have the whole collection available in the near future.

Be sure to visit the Official Nurnberg Alumni Association web site at: www.NurnbergEagles.org for more information and links to other web sites that may be of interest.  I am including a link to photos taken at the 2002 Reunion held in Las Vegas.  Please take your time and have a look around.

I also have some photos that I took in and around Nürnberg over the years I was there ('66 - '69).  The photos were scanned from a cache of negatives that were not kept very well.  You may or may not want to look them over.  But you never know... You might find some people that you went to school with among them.

If you have a moment before you leave, please leave me a note.  Thank you.


Nurnberg High School 1966   Nurnberg High School 1967   Nurnberg High School 1968   Nurnberg High School 1969  
Nurnberg High School 1970   Nurnberg High School 1971   Nurnberg High School 1972    Nurnberg High School 1973 - scanning now  Nurnberg High School 1974   Nurnberg High School 1978   Nurnberg High School 1979  
Nurnberg High School 1980   Nurnberg High School 1981


bullet1966 Courtesy of Tim Sellers 
bullet1967 Courtesy of Marv Wilson
bullet1968 Courtesy of Marv Wilson
bullet1969 Courtesy of Dan Guy - Hey, I had to get at least one annual while I was there!
bullet1970 Courtesy of Marv Wilson
bullet1971 Courtesy of Marv Wilson
bullet1972 Courtesy of Marv Wilson
bullet1973 - Currently scanning (courtesy of the estate of Helen Crowell). I am adding files as I scan them.  Check back often.
bullet1974 - Courtesy of the Estate of Helen Crowell
bullet1975 - Currently scanning (courtesy of the estate of Helen Crowell).
bullet1976 - Currently being scanned by Terry Jorgensen ('62)
bullet1977 - Currently scanning (courtesy of the estate of Helen Crowell).
bullet1978 Courtesy of Brigitte Montalvo and Reni Peek Michael 
bullet1979 Courtesy of Brigitte Montalvo and Reni Peek Michael (This copy was water damaged and will be replaced when I can scan a better copy.  People that have the CD version will receive new copies - for cost of shipping, $2.00.
bullet1980 Courtesy of Peter Gogl
bullet1981 Courtesy of Peter Gogl


If you have any photos you would like to include on this site, please feel free to forward them to WebMaster@DanGuy.name (let me know from which year(s) the photos are from and who they are) and I will be more than happy to include them in a photo album (I will also scan 35mm slides/negatives or prints for you and return them).  My address is in the Alumni Directory.


Last updated: 30 January, 2009